2. Level of significance is the probability of ...,.Type 1 error
3. The probability of an impossible event is ......zero
4. F test is also known as ..... variance ratio test
5. Coefficient of variation is calculated by SD/Mean
6. Relation between standard deviation and mean deviation is .......5MD=4SD
7. A student T test was given by..... WS Gossett
8. Rank correlation is tested by T test
9. The degree of flatness or peakness of the frequency curve is known as .......kurtosis
10. Lack of symmetry of frequency distribution is known as skewness
11. The correlation Coefficient lies between -1 to + 1
12 the off season mango variety is Niranjan
13. the ratio of pollenizer and main crop in Apple Orchard should be 9 : 1
14. seedless F1 hybrid of watermelon is pusa bedana
15. pointed gourd is propagated through stem cutting
16. oldest Banyan tree is located in Indian Botanical Garden Sibpore Kolkata
17.60 blaze is a variety of climber rose
18 mango variety most suitable for high density planting is Amrapali 1600 trees in one hectare
19 which type of inflore%scence is found in papaya auxiliary panicles
20. family of Jasmine oleaceae
21. seedlessness in grape is due to stenospermocarpy
22. The word vitamin was coined by casimir funk
23 which vitamin B is generally absent in vegetables vitamin B12
24 National Horticulture board was established at Gurgaon under which act the societies Registration Act 1860
25 largest family of flowering plant is orchidaceae
26 according to ICMR the recommended vegetables consumption in India is 300 gram per capita per day
27 per capita consumption of vegetables in India is 130 gram per day
28 International Institute of horticulture is situated in Brazil
29 seed plot technique in potato was developed by Dr Puskarnath
30. Which coloured brinjal is preferred by diabetic patients white colour
31 the acidity of tomato fruit is due to citric acid and malic acid
32 lycopene pigment is responsible for red colour in tomato it is highest at 2'C to 24'C
33 the first root knot nematode resistant variety of tomato is sel-120
34 hormones used in cucurbits to modify sex and to induce femaleness GA & NAA(Agrimantra)
35 Ivy gourd is also known as kundru / little guard/ tondi/ coccinia
36 pointed gourd is propagated through stem cutting
37 seedless F1 hybrid of watermelon is pusa bedana
38 pusa arunima is crossed between amarpali* sensation
39 fruit tyoe of mango Fleshy Drupe
40. Main nutrients of mango vitamin A (46660IU)
41 mango variety most suitable for high density planting is Amrapali 1600 trees in one hectare
42 the off season mango variety is Niranjan
43 mango malformation a serious physical disorder was first observed in which state Bihar in 1891
44 the only citrus fruit which content malic acid ...... sweet orange
45 the seedlessness in Banana is due to vegetative parthenocarpy
46 in banana the sequential cutting of the plant after harvest is called mottocking
47 lady finger is the variety of banana
48 which type of inflorescence is found in papaya auxiliary panicles
49 m27 a variety of Apple as a result of cross between m13 and m9(Agrimantra)
50 the ratio of pollenizer and main crop in Apple Orchard should be 9 : 1
51 type of self incompatibility is found in Apple gametophytic
52 the fruit recommended for sugar patient is Jamun
53 Ganesh Kirti is the variety of Ber
54 ne plus Ultra is the variety of almond
55 plum Blossoms Aroma is due to benzaldehyde
56 rootstock of cherry is colt
57 Gulkand is prepared by mixing rose petals and sugar in the ratio of 1 : 1
58 fruit of rose is known as hip
59 rose flowers required to produce 1 gram of oil 2000 flowers.
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